December Meeting Recap!
December Meeting Recap!
Tina kicked things off by welcoming our guests and anyone new and then introduced our presenter, Linda Warren who is a pattern designer, teacher and creator of the "Learning Curve Ruler". For more information on Linda and her ruler, go to Linda Warren Designs.
Linda showed us four quilt tops that she made using her Learning Curve Ruler.
- Quilt tops, donated fabrics and pillow cases are being given to various charities.
- We need someone familiar with Wordpress to volunteer to update website.
- Anyone interested in an “informal, members teaching members” for March - June meetings, please speak with Tina.
- Maureen was unanimously voted in as our new Treasurer. Thank you Maureen for stepping up!
Member Announcements:
- Jody is raffling a large quilt top. The money raised will be given to New Dawn an organization for victims of domestic violence.
- Yvette - co-owner of Gotham Quilts has a monthly sewing evening. $35 from 6-9pm at Gotham and has offered NYCMetroModQuiltGuild the opportunity to do the same. Her store has sewing machines and can accommodate 10-14 people. More information will be given.
Round Robin Quilt:
Grace showed another Round Robin, which went to Margaret.
FabScrap Challenge:
- All fabscrap quilts will be displayed at the FabScrap Shop - 110 West 26th Street - now until December 21st. There will be a separate blog post featuring all the Fab Scrap Challenge quilts. Many of these are for sale with monies going to either NYCMetro Mod Quilt Guild or FabScrap.
Block Lotto:
Show & Tell:
Maren's Baby Quilt |
Maren's Charity Quilt using Donated Fabrics |
Sue's FabScrap Pillow |
Diane's Wreath |
Diane's Disappearing Bento Box Quilt |
Anthony's "Puzzle Pieces or Cookie Cutter" Quilt |
Anthony's Color Wheel in Motion Quilt |
The Back of Color Wheel in Motion |
Jennifer's FabScrap Challenge "Because What's More Fabulous Than Fresh Flowers in Winter? |
The Back of her FabScrap Challenge |
Willie's Baby Quilt |
Members engaged in a Fat Quarter Swap much to everyone's delight.
- Update on the January retreat (we are fully booked!)
- Chris has already booked the June retreat in Mariandale in Ossining and Maren has volunteered to organize it.
25 Million Stitches:
- Members stayed and stitched!
There will not be a January meeting. For those who are going to the January Retreat, see you there!
- Please bring your 25 Million Stitches panel so that Tina has time to sew them together and send.
- Bring your Block Lottos
- Bring quilt tops for Show & Tell
- Ariane will be demonstrating Sue Spargo's layering on wool and stitching techniques, so if you'd like to participate, bring in some wool and threads. Ariane will also have lots of threads and some wool for members who would like to participate.