November Meeting Recap!

Our November Meeting Recap
For those of you who could not make it, we had a fantastic meeting and you were missed.  If you haven't done so yet, please remember to renew your membership and to all who have renewed, and to our many new members - Thank you and Welcome!

We began with another of Deborah's icebreakers.  As there were so many new members it was a "Getting to Know You" icebreaker; each member stated their name, what their favorite thing about quilting is, their pet peeve about quilting and what inspires them the most when it comes to quilts and quilting.

Tina then discussed the agenda for the day's meeting.
This past Summer Challenge was for members to share old blocks they no longer had a purpose for and ufo's with another member who then made something of the block.
We had a show and tell of those members who brought their finished pieces in and look forward to more members bringing in their finished pieces next month!  Remember if you are posting your creations for the Summer Challenge use the hashtag #nycmetromodcutsitup so we can all follow along.
Below are the wonderful things members created using other member's discarded blocks and ufos.

Anthony gives Tina his block
and Tina transforms his block into this!

Tina gives Nelson her block
and Nelson makes it into this!
Nelson turns this abandoned pumpkin block into this!

Nelson gives Andrea his block
and Andrea makes this!
Andrea gives Deborah her block
and Deborah makes it into this!
and this is the back

Deborah gives Teresa her block
and Teresa makes it into this!

Teresa gives Chris her "Victoria" block
and Chris makes it into this!
Alyson gives Ellen her blocks
Ellen makes this!
And this is the back

Ellen gives Jean her blocks 
and Jean makes those blocks into this!
Jean gives Sue her block
And Sue made this with it!

After that exciting show & tell, Tina reminded everyone of our FabScrap challenge whose theme is: FABULOUS
The Mini Quilt Challenge is to use FabScrap Fabric using the prompt "Fabulous" to make a quilt that is no larger than 16" on any one side and no smaller than 12" on any one side.  Please refer to Tina's blog post for more on this fabulous challenge.
Lisa shows us her finished Fabulous Piece

Sue urged all of us to sign up for the January 10th - 12th winter retreat.  Guests are welcome. It will be held at Mariandale in Ossining. I just signed up and am very excited to spend time with everyone else who will be going.

Did you know that NYC Metro Mod Quilt Guild is on Instagram? Our user handle is: @nycmetromod or click on the link provided.  We are also on Facebook.  So come follow our Facebook page - NYCMetroMod and if you're a member, we have a member's only facebook page. Just another incentive to join up now!!

Round Robin:  If anyone has a round robin quilt - let the group know so we can make a note of it and keep it going.  Tina began a new round robin from the scraps left at the last meeting.  Judy has taken it to work on.

Maureen showed next month’s quilt block - a Scrappy Strips Block - Scrappy stripes against a white background. Finished blocks are 15.5”  For more info read her blog post about it.
Maureen (with Tina's help) shows us her Scrappy Strips Block
Deborah raffled off the Block Lotto blocks. They went to our new member, Dawn.
Deborah picks the raffle numbers for the Block Lotto Winner
24" blocks

Nina Edelman gave a terrific presentation "Textiles & Tears" about the stitching/quilting/sewing movement by (mostly) women throughout history.  Her presentation was inspired by the book "Memories of Survival" by Esther Nisenthal Krinitz & Bernice Steinhardt.

The monthly raffle drawing was done, followed by Lisa thanking members for making so many pillowcases that her daughter is collecting for the Elizabeth Seton Center.  The hope is to give one pillowcase to each person there, so the collection and need for more continues.  Here is the link to the PDF file for the Hot Diggity Dog Pillowcase and a link to the You Tube video for directions for the Crafty Gemini Pillowcases.
Lisa with one of the pillowcases being donated.

Member's Show & Tell
Sue with her improvisational quilt, "Super Nova" using the theme "Stars" 
Alyson's Quilt
One of two quilts Jean made for Charity
Jean's second quilt 
Chris's Quilt begun in a class with Andrea Dale "Out of the Box"

 Marie shows us her
two quilts - the one on the left is for Charity.
Lisa's Quilt

Margaret's Quilt begun at last January's Retreat for a Quilt-Along using all scraps
Jody's Quilt using stars from her stash

 Diane - "A Total Witch Hunt"

And her two "Truth" blocks.
Diane's quilts will be at "Quilt Works at the Manor" where her work will be exhibited and she will give a talk.
from 12-4pm

29 Warburton Ave. Yonkers, NY 10701
For more info call (914) 965-4027

Bernadette shows her "Welcome" Quilt
 Ariane shows her two quilts.  The one on the left is a Sue Spargo "Flower Pot" design begun at a Sue Spargo workshop she took at Madeline Island and the one on the right is Sue Spargo's Sand Dollars, which was the second week of the workshop at Madeline Island.

Deborah Kellogg's Improvisational Quilt that will be raffled off to raise money for refugee families
Jacquie's Quilt

 Nina's Charity Quilt front & back

Cathy's "Baby Bento" Quilt

 Cathy's Improvisational Quilts

As time was running short, Tina discussed the guild’s participation in 25 Million Stitches 
An example of one member's hand stitching for the 25 Million Stitches Project

For Our December Meeting: It was decided that people will take pieces of muslin home with them and we will hand stitch more  at the December meeting. Many of us will be bringing in threads to share with everyone. I have a bag filled with Valdani Perle Cotton #8 & #5 threads both variegated and solids, as well as many other threads for people to use, as well as lots of needles. Each stitch represents one refugee.  If you have a specific design that you'd like to stitch, bring it to the December meeting. For more details you can go to Jennifer Kim Sohn's website where she also has examples of some of the work that has already been submitted. 


December Meeting Recap!


Block Lotto for December - a Scrappy Strips block