April Meeting Recap

Thanks to Maria G. for this great space!

We had a great time at our "mini retreat".
Plans are in the works to do it again.

A Whole Bin of Scraps!

Lots of Options for Charity Quilts

A Great Raffle Table

 Floral Block Lotto Entries

They were won by Chris E., who was really thrilled!

The next Block Lotto is pictured above on the right.
The stripe placement in these blocks is very important to the design.

Instructions can be found here:

Coat of Arms
Ellen F. wants to know: "Anybody wanna buy a watch?".
The Coat will be off to England with Tina M. next.


Maria G. offered her book to guild members to share. Cynthia C. also brought a book to share.

We had a special presentation of members' favorite gadgets that help with their quilting.

 Marie C. showed her extendable magnet for picking up pins off the floor.

 Lisa M. showed us 2 gadgets: A household scrubbing brush for cleaning threads off her design wall, and a vintage glass flower frog for holding scissors and other tools.

Sue showed a quilter's chalk line that is used for marking long lines on your quilt.

 Other items included an empty tissue box for collecting scraps before throwing them away, and several ideas to help hold the backing of a quilt while basting.

 We were all interested in how Margaret C. basted her quilt on the wall!

Show and Tell

Alyson's quilt for Bradley!
Blocks were made by guild members, quilted by Jody S.

Jody S. made this charity baby quilt.

She also made this flannel quilt that she worked on at the Mariandale retreat.

Margaret C. made this quilt based on our block lotto block from last June.

She also made this mini quilt for a triangles challenge in Curated Quilts Magazine.

Sue E. made this improv quilt with scraps from another quilt.

Sue C-W. made this quilt for her nephew's baby.

Judy C. was inspired by Santa Fe for this mini quilt. 

Chris E. just made this quilt with fabric that is 5 years old!

This is Maria G.'s "Yuma" quilt. She quilted it herself on a long arm for the first time.

Barbara D. Calls this quilt "waterfall" and it is a Modern Quilt Studio pattern.

Caroline P-Y. made this quilt for her mom Theresa.

She also made this applique quilt from a Carolyn Friedlander pattern.

Anthony B. finished quilting his first quilt.

Emily K. made this cute book for her great nephew.

Tina M. made this Room to Grow charity quilt  from a fabric panel.

She also made this "quilt as you go" quilt  with 2 layers of batting, with fabric from the scrap table.

Marie C. faced many challenges when making this quilt from a kit.

Brian B. finished this quilt for his grandson.

The May meeting will be back at the Sheen Center at noon.
See you there!


May Meeting Recap


April Block Lotto