April Block Lotto
April Block Lotto
Tile Blocks with Striped Fabrics
Selecting Your Fabrics:
In the first sample (top) the value of the center and the three corner blocks is light.
The stripes are dark. Therefore the four pieces surrounding the center are of
medium value.
In the third sample (bottom right) the value of the center and the three corner blocks is
medium. The stripes are light. Therefore the four pieces surrounding the center
are dark.
Directions to make for the second sample (bottom left) follow.
(You can see here that this block measures 13" square.)
Cutting Your Fabric:
1. One 5" Center block and twelve 2 1/2" squares in the same value.
In the sample above the center is dark. Therefore, the three corner blocks are dark.
They do not have to be three different fabrics. You could make them
all from the same fabric or you could make one or more match the center square.
It's the value that counts.
2. Around the dark center there are four 2 1/2" x 5" pieces in a light value.
3. From striped fabric in a medium value, cut four 2 1/2" x 5" pieces and pay attention to
the direction the outer stripes must go before you cut into your fabric. Then cut four
2 1/2" squares. The direction of the inside striped pieces does not matter. In the
sample above the diagonal pieces are going in the same direction.
Sewing Your Block Together:
1. Sew you block together in columns (or rows).
2. Press all the seams in a column in the same direction.
3. Alternate the direction each time you press a column so that when you go to sew
all the columns together they nest easily. Back view: