October 2023 Meeting Recap

 We finally got back together after a lovely summer hiatus.

Claire kicked off by showing some scrappy blocks she is working on.

Brian showed his floral challenge quilt. See more about the floral print challenge at the end.

Chris showed her "very quick" project using the Oh My Stars quilt pattern.

Laurie, in her first show and tell, displayed a jacket using a pattern from See Kate Sew.

Nancy showed her floral challenge quilt.

Candice showed her contribution to a Maui donation through the Scarsdale Quilt Guild.

Maria first showed her Little Roses donation quilt.

Maria then showed a baby quilt made for friends planning for a national parks nursery theme. The back uses fabric from the Riley Blake.

Bruce showed off our "coat of arms" quilt coat. We pass this around to different members, asking them to add a new design element each time.

Arlene showed her floral challenge quilt.

Cynthia is working on a smaller quilt resembling a river bed. Her next step is to add a design element for the broken, frozen water.

Brent showed his quilt coat, a year long project. Hand appliquéd, hand dyed, hand quilted.

Brent also showed his most recent coral quilt, which he used Dye Na Flow to paint on the water design with. Everything else is hand appliquéd.

Deborah showed her floral challenge quilt.

Deborah also showed a quilt from her aunt's collection. If you zoom in, you can see each block is a large hexie.

A visiting member from New Orleans, Randy, showed her "Crazy Curve" Halloween Quilt.

Randy also showed her panel quilt, made with fabric from Marcia Derse.

Theresa showed a colorful quilt made for friends with a very grey living room.

Gayle showed a duffle bag much like Mary Poppins, pulling more and more finished projects out of it!

Here are all the floral challenge quilts together. Deborah coordinated this with a fabric designer out of the PNW.


November 2023 Meeting Recap


June 2023 Meeting Recap