February Meeting Recap

To all who could not make it, you were missed - and welcome to our new members!

Guild Announcements
  • 25 Million Stitches Projects were collected for assembly into larger panels. The hard deadline for returning panels for inclusion in the guild's package is the March meeting. Details for sending back independently are available here.
  • Maren is organizing the June retreat at Mariandale.  Information will be sent to guild members soon and people are urged to sign up early. Registration forms will be available at the March meeting.
  • FabScrap challenge quilts were returned for collection. Any quilts not picked up will be available at the March meeting.
  • Call for members attending QuiltCon to present at the March meeting! If you are attending please email president(at)nycmetromodquilters.com so we can organize the best way for you to share your photographs, class projects and anything else you found inspiring to the guild.
Member Announcements
  • Yvette, co-owner of Gotham Quilts, has created an embroidery lab, which meets twice a month with a monthly stitching challenge. For more information click here.
  • Gotham is hosting “Sewing in the City” April 2-5th.  Chawne Kimber and Jacquie Gering will be teaching.  For more information click here.

Charity Update  (Thanks to Candy's Quilting for the fabric donation The Warm Company for a donation of batting.)
8 Quilts were donated to NYC Coalition for the Homeless!

10 Quilts were donated to Children of Bellevue
175 Pillowcases donated to Morgan StanleyChildren's Hospital/Columbia Presbyterian
Guild Group Projects!
The Coat of Arms returned from apple picking in NY and a quick trip to London! It was passed on to Mia who will be taking it to Colorado for some fresh mountain air.

The "Ugly" Round Robin Quilt is now a Swan! 
A scrap table nugget passed from Tina to Judy, and on 
to Jean!
Sue's stack and whack round robin 1 is ready for quilting, and the second passed from Caroline to Jenny!

This month's block lotto was won by Cynthia, and an example of next's month's block was shown by Maureen.

Show and tell!
    Jean showed her "sewing" themed row quilt  
    Nancy with her quilt inspired by a Machine Applique Class
    Ariane designed this zippered pouch &  has the pattern on her Etsy site
    Tina with her quilt using 100% Fab Scrap Fabrics
    Bernadette began this quilt at the winter retreat.  Three more corners to go!
    Caroline with her tiny 1/2" square quilt
    Sarah with the quilt she worked on at the retreat.
    Theresa & Sarah with their quilts using Charity bundles
    Nina with her 25 Million Stitches block.  So many enjoyed seeing her work, she went on to teach a group of ladies to do the same.
    Barbara with her quilt made from men's shirting.  This quilt will be in the Mancuso Quilt Show
    Barbara with the quilt she will show at the Brooklyn Quilt Show March 21st & 22nd  using a quote from Maya Angelou - "Be a Rainbow in Somebody Else's Cloud"
    Theresa with her Charity Quilt
    Aleeda with her wonky star quilt

    Eva & her quilt
    Maren's Quilt
    Maria's Quilt that she worked on at Mariandale.  It will be raffled.
    Christine with her rainbow quilt for the Brooklyn Quilt Guild Show using the Maya Angelou  quote - "Be a Rainbow in Somebody Else's Cloud"
    Jeannine and her baby quilt
    Grace with her name tag for fellow member, Willie.  It was done with foundation paper piecing.
    Grace's circle Quilt
    Nell and her triangles quilt top
    Members Teaching Members:  Ariane taught a class on Layering and Embellishing on Wool to more than 20 members!  What a wonderfully creative group. Thank you to all who participated.

    March Meeting Recap


    Block Lotto for March - Scrappy Strips