Block Lotto for November 2016

"Modern Square-in-a-Square"


-Unfinished size 10.5 "
-Must use ORANGE as one of your fabric choices
-Must have one solid either in the center square or one of the rounds
-3 or 4 rounds maximum (count center square as a round)
-Not wonky


-Plan the size of the center square and the approximate width of each round so that
when you are finished the block will measure 10.5 " square.

-When you start your rounds, sew on the sides first and then the top and bottom.
Be consistent with the order for each round.

-Iron seams away from the center.

-Be sure to square up your block after each round.  This is important to avoid ending up 
with a wonky block.

Here are a few samples ... 

Questions?  email me at

Don't forget that you will receive one lotto ticket for each block that you make!


November Block Lotto


Ellen's Bee Block