Charity block gather: Brights and Greys Strip Block

Here are the details for our current block gather.  It's a quick and easy one.  Can't wait to see your fun brights peeking out!

Block details:
  • Color scheme:   Black, white and grey strip block with one bright, diagonal center stripe and other bright accents as desired. 
  • Size:  9 1/2" unfinished

  • Fabric strips in black, white, and grey in various lengths and widths (max length 15-16").  
  • 1 or more fabric strips in bright colors in various lengths and widths, one at least 15"-16" in length.

1.  Start with one bright colored, 15"-16" strip of fabric to be your center diagonal strip.  

2.  Add grey, white or black strips of fabric to both sides of the center diagonal strip.  As I used smaller  strips as I went, it was helpful to check the block against a 10" grid throughout.  

3.  Insert little bits of bright color among the greys, blacks and whites as desired.

4.  Square up to a 9 1/2" block.  Voila!  You're done.

5.  Bring it to our May meeting next week and we'll play.  


Margaret's Blocks


April Bee Block for Emily N