NYC Metro Mod March 7th Meeting . . . .

Our next meeting is Saturday March 7th!
I know it seems far away, but it is really only 8 days away!

Yeah!  Spring is almost here!  Hard to believe I know.

And in that vein, Andrea Murray has come up with a very
cute idea for a group challenge quilt.
I know it's short notice, and I know you guys wait till the last minute
to get your blocks done!  Hehe.

So  here is the premise.
Daylight Savings Time begins on Sunday the 8th 
and we have to set the clocks forward by one hour, 
therefore we are 'losing" an hour.

Our DST Challenge!

                                               "What would you do with an extra hour?"

Create a block showing what you would do if you got
an "extra" hour handed to you.

Any size, but let's 8" is the smallest.
Doesn't have to be square, can be ANYTHING you want.
It will be so fun to see what everyone comes up with.
They we can play around with putting it together.
Hopefully it will be done for raffling off at the June meeting!

* * * * *

Our block lotto this month is orphan blocks.
You can gather up all your left overs, and single blocks.
See!  You don't have to make these, 
so you can do the DST challenge!

One raffle ticket for each block you bring.

* * * * *

Ellen Foster and I have been working on a 
Spring Quilting Retreat.  We will talk about it at the meeting,
but check your calendars now.
It is scheduled for the weekend of June 12 - 14.
More details to come.

Here's what you should bring to the meeting:

1.  Hand sewing supplies to help finish the EPP project.
2.  Your DST challenge block.
3.  Your block lotto orphan blocks
4.  Your lunch and snacks, stay and sew after the meeting!
5.  One Show & Tell
6.  Got a project you want advise on?  The design wall will be up!

So looking forward to seeing you all on the 7th!

The National Quilt Museum - 25th Anniversary Juried Contest


Quilts of Valor . . . contest for a cause . . .