New Member Q&A with Emily Nieder

This is a new Q & A series to get to know our members.  Today, Emily Nieder talks to us about her experience as a quilter.

Q: Tell us about yourself.  Where are you from and how long have you been in our guild?
A: I grew up in the Bay Area, CA, and I’ve lived in NYC for 5 years.  I joined the guild in 2013.

Q: Have you always been crafty?  What other things do you make? 
A: I’ve always loved to draw, paint, and make things with my hands.  I went through a knitting phase and attempted to sew garments for myself before discovering quilting in 2012.  I love how quilting combines sewing with image design.
Q: Where do you sew?
A: In my living room.

 Q: What is your favorite type of project?
A: Right now I love traditional piecing and quilting feathers.  I try to make my quilts more contemporary with modern fabrics.

Q: What’s your favorite quilting tool?
A: My Quilt Halo

Q: What type of fabrics do you use most often?
A:   I like to mix different types of fabrics and care more about color and texture than whether they are modern, reproductions, or batiks.

Q: Who or what inspires you most in quilting?
A: I have learned how to quilt entirely by following classes online, mostly on  I have been inspired by the various instructors and also by my classmates; it’s great to see others’ projects and how they interpreted the same lessons that I took.

 Q: What are you working on now?
A: Butterflies!  I found this block pattern online and loved the vintage feel.

Q: What kind of projects would you like to tackle in the coming year?
A: I plan to make my first queen size quilt for my mother’s 60th birthday.  I’ve already picked out fabric that complements her curtains.

Q: Do you have a blog, flickr, pinterest, or other place on the web you’d like to share?
A: I share some of my quilts on Pinterest, username ernieder.


February Bee Block for Kim


Judy Niemeyer Retreat with Certified Instructor Jackie Kunkel