EPP Goals:

I'll admit it, I'm writing this post just to add to the fun at Jess's Monday Morning Star Count. Because I haven't made much progress on my EPP quilt lately (I've been too busy binding my first ever King size quilt- why that's taking so long is an entirely different story!), I'm going to tell you about my quilting to-go bag. Jess asked for photos of our quilting gear at some point- I can't find that post now- but here's my kit (closed with a safety pin, yes, it's true):

The funny thing is, I hate this bag. At some point early on in my learning-to-free-motion-quilt process, I grabbed the absolute ugliest fabrics in my stash and practiced on them. Then at some point I turned this piece into this crude little bag, which has somehow become my most-used quilt accessory. And I'm learning to appreciate ugliness, but I still want to make a new bag at some point- after my two major works-in-progress are done!
I use a little old tofu spread (Fairway, yum!) container for my paper clips, thread, tiny scissors, templates, and fabric. The piece I'm working on goes in the bag with the container and it's good to go wherever I dare to quilt (no business meetings, yet!).

But the real reason I started this post is to state some goals, so the Star Count crowd can help keep me on track. I would like to:
  1. Finish basting all the rest of the diamonds for the main EPP part of the quilt (hence the new package of Quilt Patis!) so I can lay it out before piecing together any more of it. That's about 75 diamonds- maybe I can get this done by, say, the middle of March? 
  2. Finish piecing the rest of the main EPP part of the quilt by, say, the end of May?
  3. Finish piecing the rest of the top (my vision is to have pieces appliqued on the right side assembling themselves into the main EPP part) by... the end of summer?
  4. Finish quilting and binding the entire thing by the 2nd anniversary of "Superstorm" Sandy in October 2014. (I started this quilt during the night that Sandy hit, 29 October 2012, because I was too anxious to sleep.)

Not a terribly ambitious plan, but then I am slow! So: do you think I can do it??


February 2014: Show and Tell Recap


An Opportunity . . . .