C U Soon!

Hey MOD PEEPS, I can't wait to see you guys Saturday! It seems like ages since I've made a meeting!
If any of my pals feel the urge to make me a tiny signature block, please feel free to make and bring to the meeting on Saturday. Here's what I need. THANKS! See ya Saturday! ~Victoria

I've been obsessed lately with big quilts, with small pieces… Last September, I started gathering signature blocks from any quilters I know… And will continue to ask for them when I teach or lecture etc…
So now I realized, I missed a bunch of people this past year that I'd like to have in my quilt...

Have you ever taken  class with me? 
...or my come to my lecture? 
or met me somewhere along the way, 
or not even met me but want to contribute a tiny block?
ha ha!

I'd love to get a signature block from you, for a quilt I'm making…
Pass it on, ask your quilter pals...

 cut  TWO - 1.5" X 3.5" strips of ANY SOLID COLOR
(no prints please)
cut ONE - 1.5" X 3.5" strip of WHITE for signature

Sew them together, press seams open….and sign, (fabric pen)
Keeping your signature a 1/4" in on the sides, so it doesn't get cut off in the seam allowance…

I will trim up the block when I receive them all…. don't worry about doing that.


Minn swap


January Mod Bee 3 for Brian