DWR uploading...

Uploading you dwr image:
If you are a member of the guild, ask to get posting rights for the BLOG.

You can upload your image of your DWR to the blog, so you can submit your LINK to the upload for your category at the website…
Unless you have a blog, then upload it there…

Click your category on the page for SMALL
Modern or Traditional

You get this screen:
It's pretty easy…
take the LINK where you've put your online image…. If you'v exploded it to the MOD BLOG, Click your title of your post… ( if you didn't title your post,g o back and title your post…)

example: If your Auntie Em.

YOUR LINK is your URL… meaning whatever is in your address box…
http:// blah blah blah.com

Link title…Can just be your name
EMAIL…yes, your email…

below that box, it asks you were  your image is:

then click done….

If you have YOUR OWN BLOG:
post it there, and take the DIRECT PAGE Link for the url… ( http: etc)

You have three options for uploading on that  page… Pick what works for you… if it's from your computer, that's fine. But it's easier if you upload from a blog… this one or any other..

Can't wait to see them all!


DWR in a Cabin


Auntie Em