alt_quilts Exhibit at the American Folk Art Museum

From the Folk Art Museum Website:

"This exhibition considers three contemporary artists who are inspired by the history and structure of American quilts but who are neither inhibited, constricted, nor defined by it. Sabrina Gschwandtner, Luke Haynes, and Stephen Sollins are keenly aware that a quilt’s very substance—its remnants, pieces, choices, geometries—is profoundly laden with meaning. They intentionally seek such emotional and retentive content in their work, oftentimes through ingenious techniques and by using unexpected materials such as 16mm film strips or used Tyvek envelopes. By purposefully reusing experiential elements with relevance to their own lives and times, they exploit the tension inherent in historical quilts between function and significance. The three artists are especially attracted to the rationality and precision of specific quilt patterns that often have illusive qualities—Tumbling Blocks, Log Cabin, Sunshine and Shadow, Double Wedding Ring—examples of which, from the museum’s collection, will also be on view."

Runs from October 1st (tomorrow!) to January 5th.


Original Mod round 3. September Queen


Quilting Lecture in Bronxville