Member Spotlight: Nichole Tiernan

This is a Q & A series to get to know our members.  Today, Nichole Tiernan talks to us about her experience as a quilter.

 Tell us about yourself.  Where are you from and how long have you been in our guild?
 I’m originally from upstate New York.  (As in, all the way upstate, St. Lawrence County, on the Canadian border).  I moved to New York City area 5 years ago, and I work at The New York Botanical Garden.  I have been in the guild for, I guess about 2 years now? Time flies when you’re having fun! 

Have you always been crafty?  What other things do you make?
I definitely prefer quilting, but I also knit on occasion, and have gotten snagged into sewing the occasional Halloween costume.  I come from a crafty family and so I have delved into woodworking, glassblowing.

 Where do you sew?
A: I had a kitchen table that had been replaced and was waiting for garbage day.  I started sewing on it in the meantime and it never left.  I don’t have much time to sew so when the occasion arises it’s nice to have all of my stuff out and ready to go. 

What’s your favorite quilting tool?
My sewing machine.  I am horrible at hand stitching. 
 What type of fabrics do you use most often?
 I used to be able to say batiks, but have gotten into a solid “rut” (see trees above).  I’m always trying to expand my horizons though, and my fabric stash is growing, slowly but surely. 

Who or what inspires you most in quilting?
My grandmother.  She makes amazing quilts, and just made this for me (sorry for the blurry photo):

What are you working on now?                
Half Square Triangles that I realized too late that I cut waaaay too small.                  

 Do you have a blog, flickr, pinterest, or other place on the web you’d like to share?
I’m on pinterest and have a nice ‘design wall’ of quilt ideas!
(My grandmother and I)

Thanks Nichole!
If you would like to be featured in the member spotlight, please email your survey and photos to jessunderquilts (at) yahoo (dot) com

December Bear Paw for Chris and January Dresden Plate for Brian


January Bee Block for Brian