Member Spotlight: Judy Stadler

This is a new Q & A series to get to know our members.  Today, Judy Stadler talks to us about her experience as a quilter.

1.    picture of recent project -  I made 6 quilts this year and this is my favorite. It was a gift to a long time friend for her first grandchild. I gave it as a thank you for staying with her in Sweden this past summer. The quilt and block are my original designs.

Tell us about yourself.  Where are you from and how long have you been in our guild?

A:            Grew up in Far Rockaway. Have lived on UWS of NYC since 1974.

Have you always been crafty?  What other things do you make?

A:            Have used many media. Here’s a short list… High karat gold and fine silver jewelry; glass work; weaving; handmade books; mixed media art; textile design; wet and dry felting, photography. Textiles are my first and last love, however. Now I mainly make quilts. And I am kind of getting into art quilts.

Where do you sew?

A:            In a corner of my living/dining room.

What is your favorite type of project?

A:            Designing my own blocks and quilts. And I love any kind of hand sewing.

What’s your favorite quilting tool?

A:            Can’t say I have a favorite.  I love all of them.  Well, maybe the sewing machine – though I plan to get a new one soon.

What type of fabrics do you use most often?

A:            Cotton prints.  I also love wovens, silks and vintage textiles.

Who or what inspires you most in quilting?

A:            I am inspired by so many things – nature, ethnic textiles, color, all forms of art…

What are you working on now?

A:            I have several projects in progress: my version of a Dear Jane; Hawaiian applique; a series of art quilts; wedding gift quilt for my nephew; putting together the blocks I got for my Bee’s exchange; a Sashiko wall hanging to name a few.    

What kind of projects would you like to tackle in the coming year?

A:            I have several ideas for projects for the coming year but they are not yet ready for their profiles. And this year I want to learn in depth how to dye my own fabric. I have experimented with natural dyes in the past, but it’s too complicated for my limited space.

Do you have a blog, flickr, pinterest, or other place on the web you’d like to share?

A: I have an old blog I no longer post to ( and a new blog I started that has very little on it ( I may or may not continue with stitch traveler – haven’t decided yet.
(Thank you Judy! If you would like to be interviewed for this series, please fill out the questionnaire and email it to jessunderquilts at yahoo dot com)



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