NYC Mod Bee - September Block!

NYC MOD BEE – September 2012
Happy September!  (This is a bit early to post, but I wanted the Bee members to receive the packages by Labor Day.)

For my Queen Bee month, I wanted to make a quilt inspired by last year’s Red and White quilt exhibit.  Two quilts caught my eye:  a classic sampler quilt, and a quilt featuring the tiniest bit of cheddar fabric:

Inline image 1
Source of photo HERE.

Inline image 2
Another view of the quilt available HERE.

Accordingly, I've asked the Bee members to make the following block:

--Size:  12.5 inches square.  If you have time and extra fabric, feel free to make two blocks (but certainly not required)!  :)

--Colors:  The block should only use the enclosed red and white fabrics.  It is Kona in Bone, Tomato Red and Papaya.  Only a very small bit of the cheddar fabric should be added to the block for emphasis and accent!  It should be mostly be a red and white block.

--Pattern:  Please make a “modern” sampler block.  Wonky or asymmetrical is great but certainly not required, as seen in the sample quilt below.  Have fun with your modern designs (plenty of cool block ideas on Flickr)!

--Caveat:  The danger with red and white fabric is that pinwheel/swirling patterns can look, unfortunately, like a swastika.  Not something I want for this or any quilt!  Please avoid pinwheels and blocks with that effect.

Below is a great sample of a “modern” red and white sampler quilt.

Inline image 3
Quilt info available HERE
Thanks so much, and happy sewing!


August Bee Block - Liberated Log Cabin