March Meeting Show & Tell
Some new quilters brought some great items for show & tell:
As did some current members:
Check out Janet's jacket!
Helen's Sunbonnet Sue quilt, made for her by her mother's friend when Helen was a baby.
The vintage quilt Greer picked up while travelling in the south has such an excellent history, and she's still busy researching all the names on the blocks.
Everyone loved Andrea's quilt--even our youngest member, despite the fuss she put up because she wasn't in mom's arms for a moment : )
Good luck to Kim as she finishes her last three appliqued blocks!
A quilt Victoria made for Helen...
...and Helen's delight at receiving the gift.
Finally, remember you can enter the Alliance for American Quilts' Home is Where the Heart Is competition! entries are due June 1, and you can find more details here.