My Dresden Obsession

I don't know why, but this somewhat ordinary and simple block calls tow from my sleep. I have this odd obsession with Dresden plate quilts. The older the better.

During one of my eBay trolls I came across this 1978 Dresden quilt kit from "Yours Truly" also known as Marti Mithell. Didn't care to much for the colors but hey, who can resist a pre-cut kit for $18 with vintage calico's. I couldn't. Smiles

So after painstakingly sorting and stitching (fudging a few), I mounted them on muslin and decided on a modern fabric for the center. (modern meaning made today of course lol). Then I got a great idea to leave out some of the centers. (stay tuned to see why).

I brought out my trusty quest plus and went to zigging and zagging. I was pretty thrilled with the results. What did you do Sunday night?


Name-tag swap


Brooklyn Guild : Show quilt