41 for David
I was especially excited about this challenge, which may explain why I started on it right away. I’ve seen the circular flying geese blocks on several blogs, but this is my first attempt. I really like how it turned out. I got the paper-piecing template here. It says that it will finish as a 12 inch block, but it actually finishes 10 inches.
Now for the explanation of my block - I have Grapheme Synesthesia. It essentially means that my brain “sees” each number (and some letters) as a different color. The number/color equivalents have always been the same since I was a little kid. My earliest number memories include their corresponding colors. I'm not really sure about the eye/brain specifics. I've read that researchers think that when a synesthete sees a number or letter which would elicit a response from the left side of the brain, then the message first takes a detour through the other side of the brain picking up the color. Essentially, in my brain the number 4 is blue and the number 1 is light gray (lighter than the gray I used, but it’s all I had). This is the first time I’ve expressed my synesthesia in quilt form!