June Meeting Highlights/Review
Good Sunday evening Metro Mod lovelies...
Yesterdays meeting was fantastic. It was great seeing everyone, and we accomplished sooo much.
We have decided that we have grown and have so many wonderful things happening that we have to form a not-for-profit corporation. We are not seeking tax exemption at this stage, but we are incorporating in the State of New York. So, yesterday will be known as the first official meeting. We have selected officers and there term will run through next August 31, 2012.
Now let me present the newly formed Board of the NYC Metro Modern Quilt Guild, Inc.
President - Victoria
Vice-President - Kim H.
Finance/Treasurer - Andrea
Corporate Secretary - Earamichia
Membership Chair - Karen H.
Charity Chair - Jackie R.
Website Chair - Amy D.
Blog Chair - Jessica
Historian/Librarian - Mary B.
Facebook Chair - Daniela
We will continue to have meetings every other month. We are off for the summer and our next meeting will be on Saturday October 1, 2011.
We have also agreed on a dues amount, to help fund all of the wonderful things that are happening for our blossoming guild. The dues year will begin on September 1, 2011 and notices will be going out to remind everyone.
We have formed a Bylaws committee. The committee members are, myself (Earamichia), Amy S., Daniela, Nicole K., And Cassandra. We will have the Bylaws completed and distributed before the October meeting so that they can be adopted at the October meeting.
Guild Show
In lieu of an October 2011 show, we have been asked to participate in the Original Sewing & Quilt EXPO. We will be featured in nine cities beginning in September 2011 through April 2012. When we get our pieces back, we will work on our New York showing. The information for the show was distributed at the meeting. For those participants that were not able to make the meeting, we will provide you with the necessary information. Amy S. Is the point person for the show. You can email nycmetromod at gmail dot com with any questions. Registration is now CLOSED for this event.
We had our lovely cheddar block on display, as well as our finished stripe block top.
We had an abbreviated show and tell that was posted already.
This concludes the highlights of our meeting.