May Bee Block for Earamichia!!

So I took the jump, with both feet!

I must admit I was a little nervous . . .

I haven't been in a bee before . . .

What if I messed up the fabric E. sent me????

And what was I going to do to show

Earth, Wind, Fire and Water???

This is what I came up with and I have to say

it was the most fun I've had in a long time.

I was nervous about the curvy water section,

I have never done that improv curved piecing before.

So I practiced a bit to figure out how to do it.

Good thing I did because my first try was

a train wreck!!!

I added an earthy fabric to the mix that E. sent to me,

I hope you like it E.!!

Thanks for the challenge, can't wait to see what everyone

else does and how you put it together.


Let's Get Talking: Week 11


Its Me the Queen Bee E for May...