The Process of Play

Hi Everyone. Great to see you all last week. Always come away feeling so inspired and a little depressed. Not enough hours in the day to get everything done. And I realize I spend too much time during with week only using my left brain. Nice to let the right side take over for awhile.

Sooo... process. I started this about two weeks ago. I was with a friend in Atlanta and went to a smallish quilt store that was, but they did have a fantastic collection of....solids! Some of you may have figured out that I have a real solids fetish. (Not nearly as dirty as it sounds!) And at the store I saw this kind of nasty design that involved an arrow. And I drew one that I thought was kind of funny and chunky. And then went to town making about 12 billion of them. I kind of love it. And I'm guessing the colors aren't going to come out as vibrant in the pictures.

So, to answer the two questions, what I love most about it so far is the simplicity and the repetition of the fairly iconic image of an arrow.

My biggest challenge is how to lay out the blocks. I've been toying with it a couple of different ways. You may have to look close to even notice the difference in the two pics. One has all the arrows going the same one, the other has them going different ways every other row on the diagonal. Any other fun options pop into your head? Pass 'em along.


Finally! a post from me


Process, process...