My Sewing Space
When I am not at work, this is where I live!
I am so lucky to have a finished attic space that I have completely
taken over as my sewing room.
I will admit, I did pick up a few things before I snapped the pics,
but I left most of my messiness in full view.
There is thread all over the floor and little pieces of fabric.
Sometimes the kid sews with me and she uses that table, like those old partners desks,
We work together and have a ball!
so I can cut for hours and not have any back pain. (Yeah, getting old.)
I love that it fits perfectly into the little window area, I can watch everything going on outside in my neighborhood! Just call me Mrs. Kravitz!
And there is more fabric piled all over the place.
I forgot a picture of my other flat surface on the side that is just over flowing with
books and fabric and projects.
Subconscious embarrassment? Um probably!
I bought it 25 years ago and I just love it.
For some reason it has a Janome quarter inch foot with a Bernina adapter,
and I really like that foot!
It has a few decorative stitches, but I only use one or two of them.
And I have the walking foot. The throat plate is tight, but I make it work.
This is my design floor! As you can see all my walls are dormers,
so no flat walls without windows for a design wall.
The railing around the stairs gathers all the tops I should finish.
I think there are about seven there right now.
I do have a tv that isn't hooked up to cable, but has a dvd player,
so I can watch movies while I sew.
I never really pay attention to the movie, but it's nice company.
So that's it! That's where I sew and day dream and escape
all of the things I should be doing around the house.
Who wants to clean anyway, you just have to do it again!