February Block challenge

 This was the final for layout for the February Block Challenge...
I am so impressed with how quickly we ALL come to a decision about the final product...

I'd like to send a shout out to all the other members on the NING
site that have not attended a meeting, that if you are unable to come, 
and still want to be involved, you
can SEND ME YOUR BLOCKS to be a participant on the quilt.
A label will be added to the quilts showing who has helped make it...

Did you make a strip, cheddar block or 1/4 circle block?
Did you sign the quilt label sheet?

We had three papers passed around at the Feb meeting asking that if you 
made a block for any of the GROUP QUILT CHALLENGES, if you have not signed
it but submitted a block, please email me and let me know so your name
will be added to the label for the quilt.


February Meeting recap


Okay, talking process here!