demystifying jessica's process
First, I sit down at the computer and think, "I really should go sew something, but just let me check the blogs first."
Next, an idea for how to quilt the blue & orange quilt strikes, so I draw it out.
Toddler in lap protests.
Put him for a nap, head to sewing room-- Spend an hour on a completely unrelated project.
Face up to the fact that I must piece backing before I can quilt blue & orange. Set about laying out possible backing options.
Stop to jot down witty blog post. Dread having to press all that fabric, but start anyway..
And the questions:
What you love most about how this is coming together?
I'm still really feeling this color combo and the brightness of the fabrics. I love that the yellow Marimekko leaf print has finally found a home.. I've been carrying it around since 1997 when i got it from the remnant bin at the Crate & Barrel outlet in Kittery, ME. I'm also happy that I decided on a quilt pattern. (btw, the hand print will not be part of the quilt design, G just asks me to do one whenever i'm holding a pen..)
What is most challenging about this project?
Ironing? No, the back is going together pretty easily. At the moment I'm disappointed about having to stop piecing it so I can make the label, which I want to piece into the back itself (random pieces of yellow & orange on the blue in the top right of bottom pic). that's a project in itself.