
Hi Everyone, a little color for your SNOWY day!

A Big THANK YOU, to those who sent me your ideas on the idea of modern quilting. 
It was very helpful, and I will talk more about that at our next meeting.

I hope you all can come.  We have quite a few FUN exciting projects in the works, 
and things to discuss, so if you are able to swing it, please come!  
We run this group as a group conscience, and your thoughts count.

Things to have ready for the meeting include:

Your Feb block challenge if you can participate. Click here

Filler blocks for the December cheddar quilt.  Click here

 A bunch wanted to do a SCRAP BAG SWAP again, 
so bring a bag of scraps if you want to participate in that.

Your lunch, (drinks are provided here)

It's the best way for us to get to know you! (one or two things)

Round robins:  If you've been working on any of the round robins going around, 
please bring them to the meeting... Do we have any updated pics as tot where these are right now?

I added a link on the side bar where you can click to pull up all the Quilt shows going on in the area... Feel free to pass along other quilt show info when you hear about stuff,  
YOU can post it or I can, 
PLEASE LABEL the post  "QUILT EVENTS"  then when we click that link
we will see all the events. If you don't know how to do this, just let me know and I will add it.

Empire Guild is bringing their raffle quilt over for us to see,
so bring you $$ for raffle tickets!  one for $1,  6 for $5
let's support our local guilds...

Keep posting to the blog, 
we love seeing what your working on.

See you all soon!

Pins and Needles
