Help please
Hello my MOD friends.
I have some questions for you all regarding MODERN QUILTING....
I need some help gathering INFO.
Being a MODERN quilter: If you were going to a
Talk about Modern Quilting
Who are people you would be curious to hear from?
Is it a quilter?
Fabric designer?
(need names please)
When you think of Modern Quilters, who do you think of?
What to you is the movement of "Modern quilters?"
And if you were to attend a panel talk in NYC
would you come on a Friday eve?
or Saturday morning?
Would you pay for an event like this?
If you can take a minute to send me an email answering any,
or all of these questions
I would appreciate your feedback.
In March there will be many events here in NYC.
There is the red and white quilt show at the armory
Mark you calendars!
Please email me at:
- Victoria
**Note: Here are more questions to think about, please respond:
Is modern quilting to you, based on the fabric design?
Does modern quilting mean any particular type of quilt?
why do you think Modern quilt guilds are any more interesting
than say, a regular established guild?
What makes you want to attend, what do you hope to find, learn etc?
why is the idea of modern quilting appealing to you?
Have a great weekend!