Hello Everyone!

Our next meeting is 

Saturday December 4th, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Good grief.... Anyway, I am so excited!

Please come and join the fun!

Please bring your DEC. Challenge block
info is HERE if you haven't seen it.

And also bring a fat quarter of your MOST FAVORITE FABRIC to share with the rest of us.
we'll do some swap fun thingy.... Everyone will go home with a goodie...

Bring Show and Tell
a lunch for yourself
  (I will have drinks here as usual.)

And all your fabulous ideas... 

*We will decide a layout for the challenge blocks...
 If you have a few thoughts for joining and want to bring some fabrics
to play with among the blocks, please do.

*Decide the challenge for next meeting. 

* See our last challenge quilt finished! (Thank you Margaret!) 

please email me for the address if you need it,
it will be sent out int he website email...

See you then!

bumblebeansinc at gmail dot com


Cranberry Bliss Bars


Thanksgiving weekend project