If any of you local quilters donated notions or blocks to me for the BASICS project, I'd love to have you there with me Wednesday morning to help distribute quilts to families....  
It will truly be  a special morning....
Please let me know ASAP.
I sincerely apprecaited all your help.
p.s. Even if you didn't, a great way to help, is to come to the event!


press release for Wed. event:

On November 10, 2010, thirty-eight families living in BASICS/Promesa Health Systems Inc.’s transitional supportive housing are in for a real treat.  Quilters from all over the United States and Canada, including Bumble Beans Inc. founder and prominent quilter, Victoria Findlay Wolfe, have united to create handmade quilts for each family.

The quilts will be presented to the families at 1564 St. Peter’s Ave in the Bronx (between St. Raymond’s and Glebe Avenues), one of BASICS/Promesa Health Systems’ residences for the homeless.

BASICS/Promesa is the largest Latino-founded and led community based organization in New York State.  In addition to the transitional supportive housing for homeless families, other programs include: addiction treatment, primary medical care, specialized services for individuals with HIV/AIDS, as well as residences for those with developmental disabilities, and rental housing for low income households. The roots of both BASICS and Promesa are deep in the Bronx and East Harlem communities.

BASICS/Promesa President, Raul Russi, expressed his appreciation for Mrs. Findlay Wolfe, who facilitated the quilt drive, as well as for the generous quilters who responded to her requests for quilts. “Victoria heard of our families and responded with a generosity born of compassion and commitment. She and others from the quilting community wanted to make the families feel better. They have done this now through the use of their work and talented hands. How can anything be more special?”

A visit to the Basic Housing, Inc. and meeting with the families and children who reside in the organization’s temporary homeless housing units helped Mrs. Findlay Wolfe learn about the destabilizing effect of homelessness. But she was also impressed by the courage and persistence of the families. She felt an immediate connection. When asked to comment on her experience, Mrs. Findlay Wolfe stated, “I had to help. I saw these amazing families with next to nothing, yet still smiling….You have to do your part….We all have to do our part….”
And did she ever!

As soon as she posted a request on her blog for quilt donations, gorgeous, vividly colored quilts were sent from Hawaii, Canada and everywhere in between directly to the South Bronx doorstep of Basic Housing, Inc. Soon, there were enough quilts to distribute to many of the families who reside at Basic Housing, Inc.  While this event marks the season finale of The Bumble Beans & Basic Housing Inc. Quilt Gather, we hope to continue to gather quilts so that these remarkable families will have a handcrafted item to remind them that others admire their strength and encourage their personal growth.

The presentation of quilts will take place from 10 AM to noon at the St. Peter’s housing site. Quilt donors, elected officials and others have been invited to attend and participate in the warmth of the occasion.


MOD quilter in Houston!


2nd challenge block